Alerts and Notifications

Raise notifications and receive alerts via email or chat app whenever a problem occurs.

Alert reliability

We include a mechanism to avoid sending out false alerts when there is a problem. An alert can only occur when all of our active monitors have detected an issue on two successive tests. Only at that point will an alarm trigger and notifications be sent via the means set for that website.


We provide two ways to be alerted of a problem: email and slack.


Email is the classic means to receive notifications for alerts and is available on virtually every conceivable platform. For example, it is possible to have a mobile phone produce a sound or vibration upon receiving a specific email. Similarly, desktop email clients can also raise alarms for those working from a PC. As such, email facilitates a universal and rapid response to any problem.

Slack (Coming soon)
  • We will soon be providing a Slack integration for those wishing for a more controlled alerting method. Slack provides a free messaging service that allows greater control of how alerts appear on your phone or computer. In addition, the slack mobile app and desktop versions will be able to be configured to alert you directly in the case of a problem.

  • This feature is under development

Alert control

We group contacts into what we call 'Alert teams'. Each website can then choose which 'Alert Team' to notify when there is a problem. In addition, individual tests can have their own 'Alert Team', allowing for fine-grained control of whom will receive notification for a given situation or website.