Introducing Webdar

Welcome to the Blog!

Webdar is a Website Monitoring Service that aims to provide an all in one tool to watch over your website. Initially focused on the essentials required to ensure the smooth running of any website. When running a website, many things can go wrong. Therefore, it is essential to know that someone is there watching to alert you at the first sign of trouble. A quick response can mean the difference between a minor inconvenience and a significant outage. Every minute counts in these situations, especially if it involves the work of third parties.

Webdar officially started life last year. However, it can trace its history to the middle of 2018 from an earlier website project. At the time, we were unhappy with the available methods of monitoring a website. We ended up with several unnecessarily extended outages. Self-hosted solutions tended to be overly complex and prone to error. At the same time, the available paid services tended to be either too little or too expensive for our needs. Fast forward, and we finally had the chance to realise this project. With Webdar, we aim to provide a reasonably straightforward service that will take away the pain of monitoring your website.

The blog

As for this blog, we hope to provide a mix of news and helpful guides that our customers may find helpful. In particular, we will let you know of the latest changes to our service. In addition, to provide a behind-the-scenes view of what is happening with the website as new features. Perhaps to describe how the site works or the reasoning behind some of our decisions. We would also like to discuss some of the broader issues occurring in website development and monitoring. Finally, we would like to share some of our knowledge and guide some of the management tasks facing any website.

Webdar is actively under development, so check out the release page to see the latest features and the roadmap to see where we are heading. We are always happy to receive feedback or suggestions, so don't hesitate to contact us via our contact page.